Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Diskusi BODOH ! Approving Polygamy is Stupidity and Hypocrisy !

Gila, mundur bener nih negara
kok bisa2nya ya ada sebuah diskusi yang meng'amini' poligami?
Menganggap hal tersebut wajar karena merupakan hukum ALLAH...??

Gue sebenernya males banget posting topik ini di blog gue
cuma pas baca berita di atas, sampe geleng2
kagak penting banget seeh, sampe perlu diadakan diskusi segala, buang2 duit bgt seh !
Mendingan juga tu duit dijadiin forum utk diskusi penggugatan kebenaran tragedi Mei, tragedi semanggi, kasus munir, dll

mau tanya aaah?

Mana ada Tuhan yang menginginkan ciptaanNya tersiksa
apalagi ciptaannya yang paling sempurna :)

Kan selalu tertulis, Suami diiijinkan jika Istri Mengijinkan
Kok ya perempuan2 di forum diskusi atas bodoh sekali dengan mengganggukkan kepala menyetujui kepentingan syahwat lelaki2 pilihannya ??

Yes, I said it again...
IT is only FOR the sake of Male Sexual Needs

Here's some statements that support my thoughts:

Hopefully those idiots and fools who supports, approves and practice polygamy have time to read it (naaaa, I don't think so)

The Koran severely restricted the open practice of polygamy. The statement in the Koran that deals with polygamy is just one yet it is misused and abused by both Muslims and
Non-Muslims. It states:

if you fear that you will not be able to deal justly with the oppressed
women [Yatama- literally, the Orphans among women-see the context],
then marry from among them two or three or four, but if you fear you
wont be just [even then], then marry only one (Koran 4:3)."

The Koran states explicitly above that polygyny is allowed only if the women you marry:

  1. belong among oppressed (orphan) women. Men cannot pick and choose from "any" women who they want as a second wife

  2. Polygamy is to be practiced only if marriage would bring social justice to such women, justice that they are otherwise denied.

  3. If marrying more than one cannot bring such
    justice then polygamy is not allowed. Thus the Koran severely restricts
    the open practice of polygamy in society.
So please women all over Indonesia !

Don't be such a hyprocrite (A person who professes beliefs and opinions that they do not hold), because such hypocrysy (Insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have / An expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction) could leads you to nowhere but your own misery.

It is US, The Women, Who could decide whether the polygamy could be practiced by the Man or not. It is not the other way around. So don't trap yourself into stupidity and hypocrisy. If you don't approve, SAY IT ! Say It Out Loud ! Put It in Your BLOG!

Many Indonesian failed to see the criteria of the second/third/fourth wife.
Do all the other wives of Rhoma Irama, Aa Gym, Hamzah Haz, Puspo Wardoyo, AM Fatwa are from the
oppressed women (not rich, beautiful, single, sexy women)?

Do all those above men manage to bring SOCIAL Justice (not just financially Just) to all their wives

Be smart, don't be naive (or stupid) !

Monday, November 27, 2006

Just A Thought VS Official Blog

one sample of my hobbies is to check out my blog extremetracking counter
just to know on what reason anyone by mistakes hehehehe, visit my blog

today my queries results are:
Last 20 Searchengine QueriesUnique Visitors
22 Nov, Wed, 17:22:45 Technorati: 3D
22 Nov, Wed, 18:27:42 Google: "indonesian survey institute"
22 Nov, Wed, 22:25:53 Google: kata mei
22 Nov, Wed, 22:47:13 Google: tragedi mei 1998
23 Nov, Thu, 14:00:08 Google: articles condeming muslim men
24 Nov, Fri, 03:57:40 Google: Google Docs and Spreadsheet
24 Nov, Fri, 08:41:04 Google: Minem call
24 Nov, Fri, 12:31:00 Google: anita roddick in indonesia

My God, how come Google trust my blog to lead someone searching for Anita Roddick to my blo
g hehehehe..
Out of curiosity and narcism
1. I open
2. Type
keyword "Anita Roddick in Indonesia
3. Smile at the result :)
Site found no. 1 & 2: just a thought
Site found no. 3 & 4: anitaroddick.com

Larasku Sayang, Larasku Bawel

Dua kali telpon Laras ke rumah
Dua kali dikagetin sama suara lantangnya Neng Laras
Tumben banget neh, biasanya dia males2an kalo diajak omong via telpon.

chat 1:
# Ma, kenapa belum pasang pohon Natal sih? (outloud !! Budeg deh kuping)
@ oh iya, Mama lupa .. Nanti kita cari sama2 yuk di gudang (baca: di bawah tangga :) )
# Ga usah Ma, aku dah temuin, tapi hiasannya ga ada, Simpen dimana?
@ speechless, Mama lupa juga, mungkin di gudang juga :)

Chat 2:
# Halo Sayang, lagi ngapain
@ Mama... Tukang di rumah udah aku marahin !!! (real outloud)
(note: Ada tukang bangunan lagi renovasi rumah bagian atas untuk bangun kamar pembantu)
# Loh #@$@$# Kenapa dimarahin Sayang?
@ Soalnya mereka kerjanya lama banget, seharian ga selesai2
# Laras, dimana2 kerja benerin rumah itu ga bisa sehari selesai sayang. (salah juga neh, doi blum ane brief
sebelumnya kalau mau ada tukang yang akan renovasi rumah. Kirain nge-brief pembantu dah cukup
Bisa Mama, aku bisa cari tukang yang kerjanya cepet, tapi kan aku belum bisa keluar cari tukang
# @%^#$^%$#^%#$%^$#^%$# buset, sotoy amat neh anak hehehehehehe

Sampe rumah, harus cepet2 kasih kuliah penjelasan ke anak neh.
Pengantar Ilmu Perbaikan Rumah Dasar hehehe,
key message: There is no such thing as instant result !!

Di samping atas Foto yang buat Papanya Laras.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

It's a BOY

Finally we have the result
It's a Boy!
Laki gue demen banget deh

The priviledge of preparing a name goes to My Husband this time

Semoga bisa lahir dengan selamat ya Dek
Baik2 ya Sayang, Sebentar lagi ketemu Papa, Mama dan Mbak Laras loh :) !!

See you Soon !!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Panas, Gerah, Otak Lemah

Gila, Jakarta ampun2an banget deh
Jakarta plus Depok deh, soalnya rumah gue di depok dan ga kalah panasnya sama Jakarta.

Kalau tempo dulu bulan September aja dah mulai hujan rintik-rintik
Di penghujung tahun 2006 ini, mendekati akhir bulan November
Jakarta dan sekitarnya makin panas kayak neraka

Emang dah Jakarta mendekati Neraka kali ya?
Kebanyakan dosa dan tipu daya

Celakanya lagi, pasokan air di rumah gue dah mulai mengering. Hari ini adalah kali kedua Jet-Pump rumah gue dibenerin, karena kapasitornya meleleh, kecapean narik air tanah yang ga kunjung ada. Walhasil, pemakaian air diper-irit, seirit-iritnya, walaupun gue juga bukan termasuk orang yang suka buang2 air. Anak gue selalu gue wanti-wanti utk menghargai pemakaian air bersih, karena air itu sekarang barang langka! hehehe, akhir2 ini anak gue juga sering gue mintain tolong utk berdoa minta hujan :) Kan semua orang bilang, doanya anak-anak pasti didengar dan terbukti mujarab !

"Tuhan, Tolong kirimkan Kami Hujaan !"

Sebelum bulan November ini, hari-hari yang panas masih bisa ditanggulangi dengan ngantor di kantor yang ber-AC, nyaman, aman, tentram dan sentosa.
Belum lagi kantor gue di Lantai 3 ini sering kelimpahan banyak cemilan :)
Jadi gue masih bisa ngumpet dari panasnya Jakarta di lantai tiga .. dapat gaji pula hahahaha

Tapi dua minggu belakangan ini, kantor lantai 3 gue mulai ketularan panasnya Jakarta.
Kondisi Hamil 7 bulan makin memperparah gerahnya badan.
Padahal biasanya kalo dateng pagi-pagi ngantor, hawa udara kantor masih terasa sueejuk dan sueejuk.

Cek punya cek, ternyata tiga AC di lantai 3 dah menyerah kalah, tekuk lutut,
Knock OUT sama panasnya Ibukota
Dua AC rusak, AC ketiga, lumayan keluar angin silir semilir walaupun cuma bertahan sampai jam 2 siang
Panas Terik, Menggila,

Bikin otak yang tadinya mau kerja jadi lesu dan ga ada daya

Gila, NO ESCAPE anymore from the Heat Of Jakarta !!!!

Updated Nov 23, 2006.
Boss Besar gue mau beli AC baru buat lantai 3... Cihuuuuy !!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Boss !

Monday, November 20, 2006

Are You an A-List Bloglebrity?

Just know the term from Satya

Your Bloglebrity Results Powered by Technorati:

With 18 links in the last 180 days, Technorati places claralila.blogspot.com in the middle authority group.

That makes you a C-List Blogger!

C-List Blogger

The Middle Authority Group

(10-99 blogs linking in the last 6 months)

This contrasts somewhat with the second group, which enjoys an average
age not much older than the first at 260 days and which posts 50% more
frequently than the first. There is a clear correlation between posting
volume and Technorati authority ranking.

Show Off Your Status

Submit another blog URL!

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Tega banget ya Jakarta

Duh, tega banget deh Jakarta
kalau ga mau dibilang tega banget Indonesia

Gue barusan berusaha cari kado utk keponakan tercinta
Sang Keponakan, tuna netra sejak lahirnya
luar biasa cerdas dan peka.

Tanggal 16 November kemarin dia genap berusia 5 tahun
hari ini gue dah niatin mau hunting mainan di Pondok Indak Mall
gue ga mau beli baju, soale yang lain pasti dah ngasih baju

Mampir ke toys city
buset ga ada mainan yg ane pinginin
CD/ microphone2 an yang buat nyanyi2

oh iya, ada ide, ke toko buku, siapa tahu ada audio book.
Dua toko terbesar di PIM disatronin
Gile, ga ada tuh audio book
karena capek keliling ga ketemu akhirnya mampir ke desk ke Customer service,
"Mas, ada buku braille ga?"
lah Mas CSnya malah mandang gue lama, terus bilang, "Ga ada tuh Bu"

Kejam banget neh Jakarta
atau gue yang ga paham sama tempat-tempat jualan produk tuna netra?

Bahkan ke toko kaset
cerita-cerita dongeng yang dulu tahun 80-an sempat ngetren dibawakan Sanggar Pratiwi aja dah ga ditemui lagi.
Padalah gue dah bayangin, pasti keponakan gue seneng banget kalau bisa denger beragam cerita dongeng dari walkman.

Emang dah tepat deh adek Ipar gue memutuskan akan memboyong seluruh keluarganya ke Washington DC, US
Yup, sekarang adek gue tersebut, suami-istri gawe di Washington DC.
dua keponakan gue masih di Jakarta, namun nantinya akan bertolak menyusul orangtuanya ke DC juga.

Pastinya keponakan gue ga akan menemui minimnya perhatian fasilitas seperti di Jakarta,
pasti akan banyak berjuta buku bacaan baginya utk dibaca
pasti fasilitas umum akan memihak dia dan nyaman digunakan
pasti akan banyak sekolah yang dapat dimasukinya dan memanjakan otaknya yang cerdas

Gue semakin sadar bahwa Jakarta/Indonesia ini kota/negara yang keras banget
minim sekali perhatian pemerintah dan individu di dalamnya pada kelompok yang disabled

sempet browsing ke google, ketik jual buku braille enter search
ga banyak hasil yang muncul, significant finding di dua situs:
- Yayasan Mitra Netra
- Komunitas Braille Indonesia

Technorati Tags: , ,

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Bogor's blockade during George Bush Visit

(map of bogor blockade on nov 20, 06)

Gee, I wish that the visit held in Jakarta

so we could have bonus of another day off :)

don't worry about his visit,
he has no power anymore
he's a republican ruling in democrat house of power, said my boss
so he's no different than a puppet rulling kinda president

Friday, November 10, 2006

Pembantu Baru, Mulai lagi pelajaran baru

akhirnya setelah hampir sebulan kami bertiga capek2 ngurusin rumah
plus kerja kantoran dan sampai dirumah dengan badan yang letih lelah lesu dan lemah
We have new Maid !!!!!

will she be just as good as our previous magnificent Minem?

hehehehe, bagi mereka yang belum tahu siapa Minem..
Dialah orang Kebumen yang berhasil membesarkan (membuat gendut) my precious Maria Larasati.
Orang Kebumen pertama yang sangat berpengaruh menentukan standard baik tidaknya seorang pembantu bagi keluarga Nuansa Kelapa Dua blok D no. 5.

Jadi setelah berakhirnya masa pengabdian Minem di rumah,
She remains to be our Maid reference indicator.
after Minem,
Maid A was only capable of matching Minem's Cook, no to her passion to Laras or her dilligency in keeping the house clean.
Maid B.. no match to Minem at all
Maid C .. my God, she's just a dissaster

Now, the new comer came from Cilacap.
She's a friend of my friend
I beg my friend for her arrival because I could not bare this exhaustion.. I am all wear out

and she came
her name is Sagi, saginem is the full name
loud voice, with a tipical Cilacap accent

Our first maid Yes/No detector is Laras
if she's Okay, then the new maid has a chance
Fortunately, Laras is a very easy going person
Sagi passed her first test

after few talks at the car on the way to the house
we later find out that she previously work at warteg
" Oooooooh, your cooking must be good !
Said my husband with his highest hope emerged in his voice tone (no wonder for almost 1 month, I could not spoil him with any good home cook hahahahaha)

Then I take two days leave to train this new comer
I already prepare a simple manual for her daily routine
Her main and most important tasks are to take good care of Laras everyday' needs
and the rest are to handle household assignments

On the first day ... I found out
She's slow.. gee, real slow and mostly
she's unable to set a task priority, she could not decide, which job is more important to do, what is the first thing first.

later in the afternoon, haahhaha
She can't cook :)
had to write her a recipe and explain her step by step

On the second day, it's getting worse
she's lousy in ironing
her house cleaning is far below our Minem standard

and worst of all
she made me becoming a blabby person
everyday I had to brief her some list of instructions "in the morning you have to do this and that"

and in the afternoon I had to call home
provide her other assignments
"have you done this? pls then clean that"

arriving at home, I had to act like a janitor supervisor
plus provide her examples with real action hehehe..

Like ...

" you cannot call this cleaning up.. look's there's plenty of dust up in the cupboard
Laras room are still in a mess, and her toys are spread around every corner of her room"

" when I tell you to clean up, you have to make sure, everything are put in the right place
and all goods are
supposely wipe out from all dusty things"

Then the supervisor showed her on how to clean up example....

in summary.. .. She's far.. far...far below our Minem standard
But I'm quite exhausted to look for other

Please God, turn her into a miracle :)

Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday Sweetheart :)

Selamat ulang tahun Cantik :)
kasihan, lagi ulang tahun, harus bercapek2 nemenin mama ke kantor.
Emang udah turunan kali ya sayang,
Mama dulu juga pernah ditinggal pembantu
Untung aja Laras gapapa

Semoga tambah cantik dan baik hati Maria
Semoga senantiasa penuh senyum kepada Sang Pencipta dan sesama

Sekarang Laras udah 4 tahun
Tinggal sang jempol yang ngumpet dalam satu acungan tangan
Mulai dikurangi ya rajuk tangisnya,
tapi jangan berkurang dong bawelnya :)
Soalnya mbak Laras lucu banget kalau udah mulai ngoceh.

Hari ini seneng ga mbak Laras dirayain ulang tahunnya?
Untung aja Mama ngantornya di InterMatrix, temen kantor Laras baik2 ya hehehehe

Padahal udah hampir dua minggu ini, Laras suka ngerecokin Om-om dan Tante-tante di IMX :)

Terima kasih IMXERS !!!!
Laras udah boleh pakai inisial ML belum? :)

reuters misleading article

I believe that the article is a misleading one,
never read any local news supporting this article
I have looked also to the survey institute website stated in the article
there is no such survey published in the website, or perhaps I missed it?
there is no individual, representative of the insitute quoted in the article to back up the survey.
There is no name but the institute itself.

while everybody apprears in the news are all condeming the bali bom attack.
never Indonesian have any doubt that any terrorism attack in Indonesia were all pure felony, and a threat to pluralism in Indonesia.
Never did any religious leader in Indonesia support the terrorism move and said that the action are part of their Jihad mission to uphold the truth and justice in Indonesia.

We, the Indonesian, totally condemn all terrorism actions

Is the article valid?
Is the Reuters only have low editoral check and balance policy when it comes to Indonesian issue?
or is it merely rookie reporter reporting for Reuters?

Pls REUTERS, do improve your reporting quality
especially, when it comes to damaging image and reputation of one nation.

One in 10 Indonesia Muslims back violent jihad: poll

Reuters, Sun Oct 15, 9:04 AM ET

Around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims support jihad and justify bomb attacks on Indonesia's tourist island of Bali as defending the faith, a survey released on Sunday showed.

"Jihad that has been understood partially and practiced with violence is justified by around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims," the Indonesian Survey Institute said in a statement.

"They approved the bombings conducted ... in Bali with the excuse of defending Islam," it added, saying the percentage of such support "is very significant."

The poll surveyed a random sample of 1,092 Muslim men and women.

Bombings in Bali in October 2002 blamed on the militant Southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiah network killed 202 people, mostly foreign tourists. Suicide blasts in Bali a year ago killed 20.

The survey found one in five Indonesian Muslims more generally supported the aims of Jemaah Islamiah -- an armed movement backing the creation of an Islamic superstate linking Muslim Indonesia and Malaysia, and Muslim areas in the Philippines and Thailand.

Friday, October 13, 2006

first test of google page creator

after testing google docs, and install Greasemonkey at firefox browser, I'm begining to fill up technocrati tags to my previous postings at blogspot. Then I look up my old post titled Google Oops... It was about the Google Page Creator. It was then still not working, that's why an Oops showed up.

Then I decide to give it a try again...

It works !

my page was published at http://mail2lila.googlepages.com/home

Page dashboard

published page

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Testing Google Docs and Spreadsheet

Testing google Docs and Spreadsheets to upload the thoughts in my blog
Is it working?
We shall see in a minute

It's another free software from Google

It actually does not attract me that much since all the doc and spreadsheet softwares are already bundled in every PC

Well, it can probably eliminate the piracy problem
in Indonesia since,
you don't have to buy microsoft applications office again to create ur documents and spreadsheets
in your dream

no way..

it still requires internet connections
and pirated applications are e
asier to get than having ourself a steady internet connection in Indonesia :)

Then why do I even bother to test it?
Because the this feature adv appears on my dashboard blog after I published my piece.
It says that we can publish our piece through it.

Then what's the difference with publishing dire
ctly on the blog provider?
I still think it's much easier posting directly from blog dashboard

News on Google Docs and Spreadsheets

Update (after 45 minutes waiting)

(since the picture is not clear, here is the exact words)

There was a problem (com.google.blogger.api.UserMigratedExecption: the given blogger account has been migrated to a Goggle account on the Blogger Beta)

Probably that's the same reason why I could not upload from performancing anymore

IT's not Working to upload your piece from Google Docs to BLogspot with Blogger Beta account

The transition to Blogger Beta really destroy all the short cuts in uploading!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Party... Party ! Eh, Plus Buk Ber juga deng

Buka Bersama plus celeberation MA, Sari, CL birthday di Rumah Makan Ikan Mas Cianjur (CL/4Okt, MA-Sari/10Okt). Thanks to DN dan KS yang mau berepot-repot jadi EO (hehehehe, ini sih sebetulnya gara2 dipalak bang Maro Napitupulu, gelar nama belakangnya itu lo yang bikin MA ga jauh2 dari preman palak hehehe).

The fiesta dan bukber started at 5.30. Semuanya dah ngumpul, kecuali Fira yang katanya kejebak macet dan masih menuju tempat pesta dengan dipandu ancer2 WW via phone.

Then opening by MC (DN) yang suaranya (plu
s aksen suroboyoan) agak keredam suara berisik rombongan-rombongan grup lain yang berlokasi di lantai 2 juga.

Yang paling penting, ciihuuuuyyyyyy!
Ada kado buat MA dan CL :) and I've got Shoes (gupta choice, who else :) ) and wallet (tau aje gue lagi pengen ganti dompret, moga2 aje dompret baru ngefek ke isinye, biar tambah tebel bo.. amiiiiiiiin !!!!!!!!!!!). Maap, kado ga sempet difoto buat laporan blog ini. Pas acara tiup lilin pertama, yg ultah disuruh make a wish, walhasil gue langsung teriak (foto bagian paling kanan atas rangkaian montage),

Tolong Kirimkan Pembantu Yang Baik Hati buat Jagain Laras !!!!!!!!!
(hehehehe, dengan sepenuh hati niih mintanya)

Sialnye, MC minta pake speech2 segala neh, tau sendiri gue paling alergi sama speech2an dan segala macem rupa yang berhubungan dengan Public "fucking" Speaking hehehehehe. Iyalah, kasih 2 kalimat aje, sebelum keringet dingin keluar lebih banyak (kebetulan agak kepanasan juga seh, jadinya emang bener2 sukses keringetan ).

Terus acara buka puasa deh, dipimpin doa singkat bueener sama teh Widya (liat gambar yang pake baju and jilbab hijau plus topi pesta anak2... fyi, yang belum tau, centilnya kayak kemasannya, persis uler keket hehehehe).

Tapi.. gaswaaaaaaaaat... waaaak.. makanan kok ga muncul2, sementara gue liat meja seberang milik rombongan lain dah mulai berisi beragam makanan yg bikin mupeng dan tambah bikin laper. Sementara meja kita, cuma harus puas ngadepin teh manis plus kolak gratisan yang emang biasa ada di rumah makan manapun dibulan puasa. Untung ajeh duo EO turun tangan, nongkrongin stasiun makanan di lantai 1, untuk cepet2 nganter makanan ke meja rombongan intermatrix.

Walhasil, setelah menunggu sambil nahan jengkel (ga boleh ngamuk duoooonk, jaga image, lagi ulang tahun neeh), keluar juga tuh makanan2 yang udah diorder 2 hari yang lalu (kebayang ga seh, dah order 2 hari sebelumnye aje masih lama keluarnya, gimane kalau baru order.. waaaaakk), antara lain:

Gurame Bakar
Gurame Goreng
Gurame Asem Manis

Ikan something Bakar (lupa gue naman
ye), kata Maro menu ikan andalan rumah makan ini.
Sayur asem

Kangkung Cah
Tahu Goreng
Ayam Goreng
Sambel (duuh, dikit banget sam
belnya, padahal enak nih sambelnya)

Eh, anak gue, demen banget makan Gurame Gorengnya, menu nasi anget, gurame goreng plus tahu goreng, lahap banget dikunyah neng laras.. sampe terucap... "Ma, aku mau tambah" (hehehe, emaknye banget seh).

Then.. Fira dateng. Bawa Kue Ulang Tahun...........wah tiup lilin lagi deh (thank you mbakyu). Kali ini ane diwakilkan Laras, karena doi dah kebelet pengen tiup lilin. Mungkin buat ajang latihan doi (Laras ultah tanggal 16 dibulan yang sama, tapi dirayainnya nanti tanggal 22).

Senang.. Dapet Kado, Anak Senang.. Pulang Kenyang.
Sampe dirumah teler lagi. Pas Adi pulang, Laras lapor ke bapaknya, kalo dia doyan banget makan pake Gurame.

Pesen ke laras sebelum tidur..

"Mbak, besok bangun pagi2 lagi ya, jangan pake nangis. Soalnya besok mbak Laras ikut mama ke Kantor mama lagi"

hehehehehe, duh, akhirnya badan bisa rebahan juga sambil nemenin neng Laras tidur,
letih lelah lesu lemah.. untung dengan hati senang :)

Happy Birthay to Maro Alnesputra and Dyah Sekarsari
and thanks a lot imxers :)

other story on this occassion: klik Blog Neng Rizka

Monday, October 09, 2006

wonderful weekend

Yes, it's quite wonderful, despite the fact that I don't have housemaid yet to clean up all the house mess and one rejection answer from housemaid candidate towards my proposal.

why was it so wonderful?
  1. Nice family gathering on saturday, got presents from tante Era and tante Ani
  2. Alonso beat up Schumacher (it's 126 against 116 now, and only one race @ interlagos brazil left)
  3. the laundry (a mountain high of it) were all taken care of by ms. Parti (housemaid freelancer) for as cheap as 20thousand rups.
  4. the cooking result was not so bad after all, Gado2 and Tempe goreng are all nicely accepted by Laras and Adi
Thank God :)

my next wish lists
  1. Bless the family with an honest, diligent and caring housemaid (especially for Laras)
  2. Hope upcoming Laras Birthday would be a remarkable event for her

Friday, October 06, 2006

Blog Fever to gave birth Blog Writers

The fever was not due to extremely hot weather @ surrounding Dutamas Fatmawati overlapped with
occasionally cold but mostly warm temperature aircon @ the third floor
it is because of the virus spread around by the bigboss within our office.

It's a blog fever everybody

yes, it is contagious
you cannot escape, at least no escape for everyone located at the 2nd and 3rd floor :)
it is just getting worse by the visit of another fever carrier
everybody just like surrendering theirself and caught in the fever too

it's a good thing though that the disease accentuates the bright side of the infected
it stimulates them to write, it justified the books, someone somewhere once published that "it is easy to write"
once you are fall for it
once you are fond of it
once you are addicted to it

Congratulations Bigboss
to be or not to be a blogger
that's the answer hehhehehe

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Laras goes to work

starting today, Laras will spend her whole day in the office.

It all started out on October 3, 06

my cellphone ring

mom: is Laras with you?
me: of course not, I'm at work, she's at home

mom: Pak Ogi (the driver) says the house is empty, nobody's inside.
I had to leave your present on your neighbour's

me: ????

call to my neighbour
me : sorry to bother you, do you know where laras is?
She: gee, she usually hang out here with her nanny.. okay, will try to look her out

me : thanks a lot !

three minutes later .. an sms on my cell

the neighbour: Laras is left behind at xxx' house (other neighbour), the nanny is going away to PAL.

am reading the sms with a furius mode

then af
ter having approval from my management (thanks Boss !), I went straight to my home, checking out my love one.

Thank God, She's already home,
with that stupid, lazy, feckless housemaid

in a barely neat and dusty house (what the hell is she doing the whole morning???)

how could she done that
you know what is her answer when I asked why she had to leave Laras
"Had to buy myself a new blouse"


My God,
Like I'm the most ruthless person on earth (hehehehe)
rarely I complaint with her very dissatisfactory work
barely I showed my anger, when she used my housephone and causing the bill two times higher than regular use.
Should she asked, i will for sure grant her my permission
of course when I'm already home with my sweetheart

I usually not at home on saturday and sunday afterall, why on earth she doesn't use those sparetimes???

I have lost my patience
she's no longer needed .. It's her choice
I am not sorry at all
when I hear report from the neighbour, that she oftenly leaves my daughter alone.

Gee, two weeks from now, my office will have to face a new kid on the block :)

Thanks friends for all the help and sympathy !

Monday, October 02, 2006

sweet child O'mine

my poor princess
she's been sick since wednesday
now, she's much better
but the flu still linger on .. hopefully it will get better soon

one major progress these past weekdays has been remarkable
She's a grown up now :)
She's no longer pee-peing on her bed at night !
It's been 5 days
what remarkable about it is totally her effort .. no help from the parent.
When I asked what stimulate her from doing this

" I watched this TV sinetron mom. There was this grown up girl who still urinating on her bed at night. And her friends decided to stop the bad habit by putting dragonfly on her belly butoon"

sometimes a pittyful Indonesian TV sinetron could be useful too.

Technorati Tags: , , ,

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

wanna live in a pluralistic democratic world?

wanna live in a pluralistic democratic world?

Book yourself space at a blogworld !!

we had an interesting discussion with mr. Budi Putra at the office today
it's about the blogworld

how it opens new horizon to the humankind
how it finds hidden talents of many in this huge universe

unlike the mainstream media we commonly face now (e.g. the tv/radio/newspaper/magazine)
the blog has many flexibility to carry independency, honesty and indepth thought of the writer.
all the limitations which occationally forbid a piece of writing from being published in a mainstream media, like the space restriction, editorial policy, commercial consideration, are never to be found in the blogworld.

while mr. budi putra, who is also the regular contributor for CNET Asia, eagerly spreading the blogging voice of love, I keep on looking and trying to convince my doubtful friend on how this blog phenomenon could be the only tool which can bare his narcism behaviour :)

And why do I refer the blogworld as probably the most or only pluralistic and democratic world we have? Although I once wrote blogpaganda, based of my suspicion that there are some blogs which are specially designed for the sake of propaganda :). However, some remarks delivered in the discussion provide justification of how pluralist and democratic a blog is:
  • It treats people equally, you will not be seen based on your wealth, gender, age and seniority. 
  • Your thoughts are matters !
  • Web authority/dominance is useless in this "searchable world", it's the freshness that matters :) ( gee, probably that's why now I oftenly open yosef ardi than bisnis Indonesia)
  • You could easily interact with others, no boundaries-no worries.
  • seems that all base on sharing. The thoughts, the knowledge, the feelings are shared. there's less greed and few hypocrisy (see my previous note on blogpaganda hehehe) appears when we browse around blog.
so, if we already succesful of being a pluralist and democratic citizen in a blogworld, then how come we are so damn fucked in the real world :)

don't mind the above statement hehehehe, just move on to the next useful things could be use in blogging.

several tips of blogging I have from budi putra are:
  • use english (I'm trying sir). It will globalize your blogworld
  • Just write anything, with your own word and style. at first, don't burden yourself with topics to be delivered in your blog. it will develop eventually.
  • use tags (in english) on your posting and create general tags on your posts. Several recommended tags provider are del.icio.us , digg and technorati.
More notes on discussion with Budi Putra is published on this site.

Technorati Tags: , ,

Monday, September 25, 2006

Wapres Gue asbun banget dah

tokoh yang paling sering menjengkelkan setelah Bush ya Jusuf Kalla

liat nih komentarnya di Riau Pos:
  • Demokrasi itu nomor dua
  • Investor asing lebih memilih negara yang stabil daripada yang demokratis
  • Bagi pengusaha, demokrasi itu nomor dua. Sebab, kalau demo terus, anggota DPR marah terus. Capek juga pengusaha. (buset.. die itu dalam kapasitas pengusaha ato wapres seeeh)
  • Sebagai negara yang demokratis,negara tidak sepatutnya memberikan subsidi sebesar itu. ’’Kita seperti negara komunis terbesar di dunia. Sebab, hanya negara komunis yang memberikan subsidi sebesar itu,’’ tegasnya.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

what is wrong with him?

I think the family has given him quite some time and patient
he just won't embrace it
he's taking us for granted
but then again why should he
he even ignore the Almighty not just recently

probably all the drugs have change him
probabaly all the high time means more to him than the family

another unbelievable moment just whispered to my ears
all the things I barely even think of
with all of that i know will create disaster in the family

oh how do I even try to manage this
for I don't have enough mercy but malignity inside me

dear God, your child is lost
will he find a way back .. i don't think so
will he even try .. i don't care anymore

for nothing but pain he brings inside
for nothing but stain in our heart.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

most disturbing and ungrateful client

today will meet a client
who's the most ungrateful client we have ever

never the client shows respect of what we have done
no matter how good our efforts are in implementing the program

This kind of client just sharpen my perception
that you can't never trust a marketing kindda person to do a PR work
you will see that the PR program that you have designed
will later on turn out to be
just another programs in their integrated marketing

it is not a matter of creating good perception or image anymore
nor an effort to create an impactful CSR program for the public

it will be just another branding move
it will be just another type of actions to increase sale

imagine.. what kind of meeting i will have

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dampak extravaganza trans tv :)

Laras lumayan doyan nonton extravagana trans tv
walaupun nontonnya cuma sekilas, ternyata banyak
vocab yang lumayan nempel di otaknya

waktu itu, lagi pas nanya sesuatu, jawabannya lumayan shocking
Mom: Mana minum botolnya mbak?
Laras: Mene Ketehe!
Mom: haaa? emang artinya apa tuh?

Laras: Mana ku tahu (sambil nyengir senyum)

eh, beberapa hari yang lalu, pengaruh
extra ini sampe kebawa mimpinya neng Laras. kira2 jam 3 pagi, sang nyokap ga sengaja bangun, terus ngeliatin anaknya. eh, tau2 si neng ngigau singkat yang bikin nyokapnya ketawa geli banget

igauan singkat itu: Capek deh ah (
diucapkan dg aming style)

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happy Bday Mom :)

28 Juni
Tanggal ulang tahun nyokap gue
tanggal ini lumayan banyak yang ulang tahun
ada dua temen gue yg ulang tahun hari ini
jadi, karena pasti inget karena nyokap ulang tahun
ya mereka sekalian ane sms-in

ternyata nyokap gue lagi sakit
kasihan.. hiks
agak sesek napas katanya
tapi harus kerja, soalnya lagi banyak kerjaan.

Selamat Ulang Tahun ya Mom dearest
Semoga selalu dalam Kasih Nya dalam Lindungan Nya
Semoga Mama selalu dilimpahi kesehatan, kasih sayang dan anugrah melimpah
Thanks for everything ya Ma :)

Kado buat Nyokap dah ane beli nih
rencananya nanti dikasih pas hari kunjungan sabtu besok..
eh......... Nyokap malah nelpon
mau ngirim meja telpon ke rumah hari ini
kok yang ulang tahun malah kasih kado

Emang kasih Ibu ga ada ujungnya yak ...

Tampilan baru KCM

wah.. setelah hampir dua hari ga

nongkrong di meja kantor..
hari ini browsing lagi di kantor.

biasa, buka detik.com dulu ...
buka blog2 di folder favorites
terus buka Kompas Cyber Media...


eeeh.. ternyata tampilan baru

ga spektakuler amat sih
Tapi lumayan seger nih mata
kirain KCM akan ngotot, keukeuh dengan

design lamanya utk periode yg lamaa bgt
eh ternyata ganti juga

selamat deh
tinggal detik.com nih jadi pemegang recordnya.
buset deh tuh website..
web berita atau kumpulan gambar iklan di flickr? background tetep ijo biru bluek lagi..

sepet deh ah.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

7 Juni 2006: D Day? Isu yang bikin parno

berawal dari selebaran surat elektronik yang isinya bikin warga Jakarta senyum2 pahit parno. Gimana ga, email tersebut memprediksikan bahwa tanggal 7 Juni bakal terjadi gempa dasyat.

berikut isi isu yang beredar (via milis, via sms, via YM, Gila ya what can IT could do to terrorize you hahahaha)

Menurut CNN, disiarkan 3 hari yang lalu bahwa lempeng bumi di Australia sedang bergerak ke utara menuju Asia . Diperkirakan bisa bertubrukan dengan lempeng bumi di selatan pulau Jawa. Diperkirakan 11 hari setelah gempa Jogja, atau rabu besok (7 juni) akan ada gempa dahsyat dan memungkinkan terjadinya tsunami. Mohon doanya and please forward ke temen-temen lain, jangan sampai putus
di tangan kamu."

sampe akhirnya ada klarifikasi berita yang disampaikan detik.com utk merespon pertanyaan2 resah dari pengunjung detik perihal isu diatas.

isu 7 Juni ini lanjutan dari email2/isu bikin parno yang muncul
hari2 sebelumnya, pasca Gempa Jogja. macam2 isu parno itu a.l:

Prediksi Permadi - DKI JAKARTA 2006
Kemarin 29 May 2006 di MetroTV, Permadi meramalkan
bahwa dalam 3 bulan di tahun 2006 - DKI Jakarta akan
mengalami suatu "peristiwa" yang lebih parah daripada
Gempa di JOGJA dan Tsunami di ACEH/NIAS.
Ke 2 Peristiwa (ACEH dan JOGJA) memang sudah diramalkan oleh Permadi

sebelum terjadi, namun tidak disampaikan peristiwa apakah itu dan kapan persis-nya terjadi.

Selasa, 06-06-06 pukul 6 sore akan lahir anak setan (666).
Anak ini memiliki tanda di tubuhnya, dan malapetaka serta
kehancuran yang dibuatnya akan menimbulkan banyak
korban di dunia. Anak ini akan dinamakan "DAMIEN" (THE OMEN DAY).

Saat ini sudah ditunggu oleh para umat Satan selama 1000 tahun yang lalu
bertepatan 6 Juni 1006 (06-06-06).
Seluruh umat diharapkan berdoa agar kita selalu dilindungi oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa.

belum lagi ada yang bilang:
dua daerah istimewa Indonesia dah berduka, maka yang
selanjutnya adalah Daerah Khusus Ibukota.

Hehehhe, jadi Parno ga sih loo ??

pagi ini, tanggal 7 Juni 2006, gue berangkat pagi bareng
laki gue seperti biasa, jam 5.45 dari Nuansa Kelapa Dua depok.
dimulai dengan hujan, langit masih gelap, ketutup awan.
Laras yang biasanya nganterin sampai pos pak satpam terpaksa

ga bisa menuhin jadwal rutinnya :).

Hujan berlanjut, mengiringi perjalanan kita ke kantor.
Sampai di Cijantung langit masih gelap banget. Untung The Beatles setia nemenin sepanjang perjalanan. walaupun gue dah mulain parno mikirin email2 parno yang setiap hari
mengunjungi inbox gue.

Paranoia ga tertahankan saat mobil memasuki jalan Fatmawati...
Gilaaaaa, gelap banget, sementara jam dah menunjukkan
pukul 06.30. Gue sama suami seketika mulai gundah gulana.. hehehe,

Adi: "Eh, non, puter balik yuk, ga usah masuk kantor. Gimana nih, gelap banget, jangan2 bener lagi"

Gue: Duh Gimana ya?? Masak balik lagi sih.. udah sampe sini. Ah gue nakut2in Gupta dulu ah..

Dia kan Raja Parno sedunia :)

akhirnya, kita berdua tetep ngantor. sambil rencana kontak2an, apakah nanti akan pulang bareng atau nggak.

Sampai di depan PC, gue langsung buka
Yahoo Weather : Jakarta plus
BMG Website

the weather update is quite comforting :)

see.. too much information can stress you out.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

rutinitas baru

3 hari terakhir ini gue memulai rutinitas baru
semata-mata untuk mensiasati kebutuhan tubuh yang
terlalu dimanjakan pemiliknya alias jarang olah raga
tapi terutama utk menjaga supaya instruksi dokter hari
selasa kemarin dapat dijaga

"kalau ga mau caesar, bayinya 3 kilo saja ya"

insya allah deh dok. yang kemarin aja 4.1 kg tuh.

balik lagi ke rutinitas baru gue
berhubung sekarang dianterin laki gue terus
walhasil sampe di kantor jam 7 pagi
buset . .. ngapain
browsing, hmmmm, lagi ga terlalu menggebu
kerja , hmmmmmmmmm, apalagi ini

ya udah deh, keliling komplek itc fatmawati aja
itung2 olah raga
diusahain minimal 45 menit, JJS pagi ngiterin ruko2.
lumayan asyik, cari rute biar ga terlalu ngebosenin
dan ga terlalu menarik perhatian (ngapain nih cewek ndut
muter2 terus hehehehe).
hari kedua, udah mulai niat banget, dari rumah pake kaos
dan baju kantor dibawa buat ganti setelah JJS.
hari ketiga.. wah anak2 imx lagi siap2 mau ada event di Asia Foundation.
ga seperti biasanya kantor jam 7 dah mulai rame
ya sud.. gue ke kantor dulu deh, baru nanti kalo anak2 dah mau cabut, gue JJS lagi
eh, baru mau masuk kantor, gue papasan sama bapak2 naik skuter...
dia senyum.. gue senyumin balik duoonk
eh terus dia bilang "ga keliling komplek lagi neng?"

waaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk !!!!!! :D
mampus dah, hehehhehe, malu ga seeh.
bodo aaahhhh

akibat buruk yang ditimbulkan dari JJS ini adalah
menimbulkan napsu makan dan jajan yang luar biasa :)
kacau.. ga boleh nih
tadi aja gue ke pasar blok a, beli kue pancong dan ketoprak
.. ueeenak.. ueenak..ueeenak... sluuurrrrppp …

Monday, May 29, 2006

Daerah Istimewa Indonesia tercinta

Sabtu pagi lihat berita di Metro
dari curi2 liat dan siap2 switch ke berita gossip
tapi kok gempa? Ya ampun, Jogja, loh itu kan Shantika,
tempat kemarin kita outing. buset Ambarukmo Plaza yang
katanya baru saja diakuisisi Gramedia, bisa ambruk gitu.

5.9 richter
per sabtu 7.30 pagi korban sudah mencapai ratusan.
nyesek, ngelus dada, bencana lagi duuh Gusti.

menjelang sore
korban sudah mencapai ribuan
Bantul, kota yang paling dekat dengan pusat gempa
rata dengan tanah.

minggu pagi denger khotbah di gereja,
Peristiwa Jogja meliputi isi renungan yang gulita
bagaimana kita diliputi ketidakpercayaan pada penguasa
penguasa yang tidak lebih ahli dari mbah Marijan yang

Jogja Daerah Istimewa kedua yang menderita
dulu Aceh, setahun yang lalu.
apa Jakarta harus eling dan waspada? sebagai yang
dikhususkan dan daerah ibukota?
atau tetap pilih tutup mata dan telinga
pilih ga peduli sama alam yang digjaya dan
rakyat yang ga berdosa? atau tetap mau pura2 sibuk
ngurusin moral yang palsu belaka?
apa sang penguasa ga malu dan segan berkaca pada Marijan
yang sederhana?

Friday, May 26, 2006

The World Cup Magic

It happened 4 years ago
and it happens again now :)

our first world cup magic is
Maria Larasati Widiarso

my most funniest, impatient and excited princess of Kelapa Dua

she is now the most excited hoping the next magic to come soon.

and now
the second magic is on its way :)
don’t' know, haven’t figure it out yet.

it's only a month old

just wish us luck okay.

Thank you God! :)

Friday, May 19, 2006

Gusti Allah help Us

1. Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa
2. Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab
3. Persatuan Indonesia
4. Kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh Hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam
permusyawaratan perwakilan
5. Keadilan Sosial Bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia

Akhir2 ini sering kepikiran Pancasila
Indahnya Pancasila mewarnai hidup kecil jaman dahulu kala
tetangga saling beranjang sana di setiap hari raya
bertukar sapa, salam dan bahagia.

Pemicu kangen hamba ke Pancasila
muncul lagi sewaktu ananda bertanya pada suatu malam sebelum berdoa
" Ma, kata temanku kalau ngomong Kristen itu Dosa Ma"

Sempat tertegun, namun harus bicara
"Sayang, setiap orang kadang-kadang berbeda. Laras beda. Laras agamanya Kristen Katolik dan dan teman-teman beda. Namun semua harus saling menghormati ya, ga boleh berantem"

Laras: Jadi, ga dosa kan ya Ma?
Mama: Iya Sayang, ga Dosa, yuk doa yuk
Laras: Atas nama Bapa dan Putra dan Roh Kudus Amin

Sekarang kadangkala berkelibatan kenangan pelajaran sejarah budaya sewaktu di SMA.
Pak Agus (Alm), pengajar favorit A4 SMA Santa Ursula, yang senantiasa bertutur
damai dan indah mengajarkan beragamnya sejarah dan budaya setiap agama.
Bahwa setiap agama itu indah adanya, dan semuanya berujung pada Kasih pada sesama
dan Gusti Allah di Atas Sana.

Kenapa sekarang semuanya dipenuhi prasangka berdasarkan agama semata?

Gusti Allah, tolong sampaikan kepada manusia
senantiasa bisikkan kepada Anakku Laras tercinta)

Agama itu untuk mencinta
dia tidak untuk membenci dan mencela
Agama itu untuk Kebaikan manusia dan alam semesta
bukan sebagai alat pembeda dan memisah-misahkan kita dari sesama

Tolong Gusti, hilangkan dusta dan buruk prasangka
tolong sampaikan kepada manusia
bahwa semua berpaling kepada DiriMu yang Esa
yang Esa ....
bukan Dua, Tiga, Empat atau Lima

Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Novelist

I often met great Ordinary People at my work.
one of them is my Boss.
He, infact is the one who promoted the term of Ordinary People/Orang Biasa as an iconic term of empowered indonesan civil society.

Another great ordinary people I recently met (virtually) is Mbak Marga T.

Had an interesting and fruitful conversation with her this past few days.
Started from her blog browsing, to finally visit my bengong spot at blogspot
Never ever think that someone would so patiently read my chaotic posts and provide me with an inspiring review.

once a writer, always is, i guess.

on one fine day,a humble and touching email visit my mailbox several days after my post on her book
Wow.. I got Sekuntum Nozomi 3 as a gift !

another excellent gift is her comments on my lovely daughter, Laras Spongegirl.

Then I tell my 3.5 years old daughter that she received a warm hello from a great novelist

Gee, how i am blessed with lots of great ordinary people in my circle of life :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


(hahahhaha, kocak abis. Masih 30 hari menjelang aja dah ada email2 berselebaran kayak gini. bakal seru Nih... Ane Pegang Jerman!!! Ballack uber ales hehehhe )


Dear Wife, Partner, Girlfriend,

1. From 9 June to 9 July 2006, you should read the sports section of thenewspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the World Cup,and that way you will be able to join in the conversations. If you fail todo this, then you will be looked at in a bad way, or you will be totallyignored. DO NOT complain about not receiving any attention.

2. During the World Cup, the television is mine, at all times, without anyexceptions. If you even take a glimpse of the remote control, you will loseit (your eye).

3. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I don't mind, aslong as you do it crawling on the floor and without any distractions. If youdecide to stand nude in front of the TV, make sure you put your clothes onright after because if you catch a cold, I won't have time to take you tothe doctor or look after you during the World Cup month.

4. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute, unless I require arefill of my drink or something to eat. You are out of your mind if youexpect me to listen to you, open the door, answer the telephone, or pick upthe baby that just fell on the floor....It won't happen.

5. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least 2 six packs in thefridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble on, and pleasedo not make any funny faces at my friends when they come over to watch thegames. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between 12am and 6am,unless they replay a good game that I missed during the day.

6. Please, please, please!! If you see me upset because one of my teams islosing, DO NOT say "get over it, it's only a game", or "don't worry,they'll win next time". If you say these things, you will only make me moreupset and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know moreabout football than me and your so called "words of encouragement" willonly lead to a break up or divorce.

7. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to meduring halftime but only when the commercials are on, and only if the halftime scores is pleasing me. In addition, please note I am saying "one" game; hence do not use the World Cup as a nice cheesy excuse to "spend timetogether".

8. The replays of the goals are very important. I don't care if I have seenthem or I haven't seen them, I want to see them again. Many times.

9. Tell your friends NOT to have any babies, or any other child relatedparties or gatherings that requires my attendance because: a) I will not go, b) I will not go, and c) I will not go.

10. But, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Sunday to watch agame, we will be there in a flash.

11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just asimportant as the games themselves. Do not even think about saying "but youhave already seen this...why don't you change the channel to something wecan all watch?" because, the reply will be, "Refer to Rule #2 of thislist".

12. And finally, please save your expressions such as "Thank God the WorldCup is only every 4 years". I am immune to these words, because after thiscomes the Champions League, Italian League, Spanish League, Premier League,FA Cup, etc.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Monday, May 08, 2006

USB nyesek

Udah lama kepikiran pengen beli USB, tapi karena blm mood beli, jadi rencana beli ditunda-tunda melulu. Hari ini tiba-tibi pengen beli USB banget.

pagi2, sampe kantor cek email dari milis gadtorage (milisnya gadget2 yang sering jual beli, tukar informasi seputar gadget).

Terus ada postingan menarik
Subject: USB Flash Disk Pend Drive 512 MB dan 1 GB mulai 170,000,-

next action:
send email to andy@mnpXXXX.net

Yth Pak Andy
tanya ya:
1. boleh lihat gambarnya ga pak?
2. boleh beli satuan ga?
3. ada garansi ga?
4. bisa COD ga? (tapi cuma beli satu item)

sory kalau banyak nanya ya
thanks, lila

abis klik tombel sent... terus mikir .. alaaah, paling2 ga dijawab. Wong cuma mau beli satu biji doang.
terus setelah blog browsing, mendadak laper banget. Gila.. harus secepat mungkin ke ITC food court nih hehehehe.

jam 12 teng.. cabs sendiri
berbekal dompet dan satu buku FB berjudul ALAMAK
rencana, makan sambil baca buku. lagian gue cuma pergi sendirian, jadi daripada bengong mendingan baca buku. Baru dua suapan Mie Ayam Bakmi Naga, eh tiga tamu bergabung, Maro, Susy, Rizka. Jadi lah ngobrol2 seputar trip RN dan MA dengan Sahabat Museumnya.

sehabis Makan ( .. MA dah cabut duluan, seperti biasa, perutnya berontak manja ga kuat ngeladenin napsu jajan sang majikan) mampir ke AW bentar. hehehhe .. rakus yak.. gimana badan ga segentong
gara-gara mata belanja terus nangkep gelas gede berisi Waffle Icecreamnya AW. Jadi mupeng deh...

Next 13.20

CL : pulang yuks
RN-SM : yuks
CL: Eh mampir ke Toko Camzone yuk, gue pengen liat USB nih
RN: yuk..yuk, gue juga pengen liat2.
CL: berapa nih Mas (sambil nunjuk Kingston 512 MB)
Camzone Guy: 235 ribu
CL: berapa nih pas nya, tadi aja saya lihat di milis ga sampe 200an
Camzone Guy: aaaaah masaa !!!!!!
CL: Siaal nih orang, begok juga nih gue, mupeng banget sih.
Riz ada duit cepek ga?
RN: Ga ada
CL: Ci, ada duit cepek ga?
SM: Ada nih.

balik ke C2 no. 19, sumringah.
asyik, punya barang baru, walaupun masih 1/2 ngutang :p

next action:
ambil minum air putih segentong (kalau aja air2 putih yg gue minum bisa melunturkan lemak2 gue hiks :D )
buka outlook express
scan email

WAAKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!

sender: CS GudangPC.com
Re: Penawaran USB Flash Disk
Berikut saya kirimkan gambarnya.
Kami bisa COD meskipun cuma 1, khusus untuk Jakarta dan Bekasi, posisi Bapak/Ibu dimana?
Harga belum termasuk ongkos kirim.
Terima kasih. Andy Rachmat S
YM : csgudangpc1 # SMS : 0815-46-188-188 # 02192655284

Kampreeeeeettttttttt !!!!!!!!!
Duuuuuh, Nyesek Banget neh :(

Friday, May 05, 2006

Tragedi Mei dalam tuturan kata sang Pencerita

Suatu waktu gue terima email dari yahoo account dengan user id yang kurang meyakinkan. Di dalam suratnya dia minta tolong agar email tersebut disampaikan ke bos gue agar beliau sudi membuat kata pengantar untuk bukunya yang terbaru Sekuntum Nozomi Buku ketiga. Di akhir email tertera signature singkat dengan huruf kecil.. marga t.

Waaak !
Novelis klasik Indonesia neh.

Gue sampai browsing around dulu untuk mastiin apakah email tersebut benar2 dikirim oleh seorang Marga T. Ya.. karena gue ga kenal sama karya2nya gitu deh.

akhirnya Wimar dan Marga T pun berkorespondensi langsung mengenai buku ketiga Sekuntum Nozomi ini. Proyek ini benar-benar proyek non komersil dimana penjualan buku ini sepenuhnya didedikasikan untuk para korban kerusuhan Mei 1998.

Marga T:
Buku ini diterbitkan di medio Mei 2006, sebagai tribute untuk para korban, untuk memperingati sewindu tidak tuntasnya tragedi Mei 98. Novel Sekuntum Nozomi buku ke 3 terdiri atas 11 bab (dan akan berakhir di buku ke empat).

Hebat ya :)
seperti kata Gandhi di sisi kanan blog gue.
You must not lose faith in humanity.
Walaupun banyak orang-orang menyebalkan, namun ada lebih banyak lagi orang menyenangkan yang memberi nuansa indah dalam kehidupan.

Sang Pencerita mungkin sudah bosan membaca Novel kelam Indonesia yang tak berujung dalam pembahasan Tragedi Mei. Sebegitu kelamnya, sehingga pembaca harus menebak-nebak sendiri siapa pelaku utama pencipta tragedi tersebut. Hanya korban yang jelas tergambar di novel kelam itu.

Akhirnya sang pencerita menuturkan ceritanya sendiri (walau dalam bentuk fiksi). Fiksi yang walaupun tidak dapat mengobati namun setidaknya dapat memungkinkan korban untuk berbagi. Berbagi perih, berbagi sedih dan berbagi derita akan ketidakadilan yang semakin menjadi.

Akhirnya ...
17 Mei besok.. buku ini akan tersedia di seluruh toko buku Gramedia. Beli yuuk !

Congrats bu Marga .. Thank you Wimar :)

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