Monday, October 16, 2006

Happy 4th Birthday Sweetheart :)

Selamat ulang tahun Cantik :)
kasihan, lagi ulang tahun, harus bercapek2 nemenin mama ke kantor.
Emang udah turunan kali ya sayang,
Mama dulu juga pernah ditinggal pembantu
Untung aja Laras gapapa

Semoga tambah cantik dan baik hati Maria
Semoga senantiasa penuh senyum kepada Sang Pencipta dan sesama

Sekarang Laras udah 4 tahun
Tinggal sang jempol yang ngumpet dalam satu acungan tangan
Mulai dikurangi ya rajuk tangisnya,
tapi jangan berkurang dong bawelnya :)
Soalnya mbak Laras lucu banget kalau udah mulai ngoceh.

Hari ini seneng ga mbak Laras dirayain ulang tahunnya?
Untung aja Mama ngantornya di InterMatrix, temen kantor Laras baik2 ya hehehehe

Padahal udah hampir dua minggu ini, Laras suka ngerecokin Om-om dan Tante-tante di IMX :)

Terima kasih IMXERS !!!!
Laras udah boleh pakai inisial ML belum? :)

reuters misleading article

I believe that the article is a misleading one,
never read any local news supporting this article
I have looked also to the survey institute website stated in the article
there is no such survey published in the website, or perhaps I missed it?
there is no individual, representative of the insitute quoted in the article to back up the survey.
There is no name but the institute itself.

while everybody apprears in the news are all condeming the bali bom attack.
never Indonesian have any doubt that any terrorism attack in Indonesia were all pure felony, and a threat to pluralism in Indonesia.
Never did any religious leader in Indonesia support the terrorism move and said that the action are part of their Jihad mission to uphold the truth and justice in Indonesia.

We, the Indonesian, totally condemn all terrorism actions

Is the article valid?
Is the Reuters only have low editoral check and balance policy when it comes to Indonesian issue?
or is it merely rookie reporter reporting for Reuters?

Pls REUTERS, do improve your reporting quality
especially, when it comes to damaging image and reputation of one nation.

One in 10 Indonesia Muslims back violent jihad: poll

Reuters, Sun Oct 15, 9:04 AM ET

Around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims support jihad and justify bomb attacks on Indonesia's tourist island of Bali as defending the faith, a survey released on Sunday showed.

"Jihad that has been understood partially and practiced with violence is justified by around one in 10 Indonesian Muslims," the Indonesian Survey Institute said in a statement.

"They approved the bombings conducted ... in Bali with the excuse of defending Islam," it added, saying the percentage of such support "is very significant."

The poll surveyed a random sample of 1,092 Muslim men and women.

Bombings in Bali in October 2002 blamed on the militant Southeast Asian Jemaah Islamiah network killed 202 people, mostly foreign tourists. Suicide blasts in Bali a year ago killed 20.

The survey found one in five Indonesian Muslims more generally supported the aims of Jemaah Islamiah -- an armed movement backing the creation of an Islamic superstate linking Muslim Indonesia and Malaysia, and Muslim areas in the Philippines and Thailand.

Friday, October 13, 2006

first test of google page creator

after testing google docs, and install Greasemonkey at firefox browser, I'm begining to fill up technocrati tags to my previous postings at blogspot. Then I look up my old post titled Google Oops... It was about the Google Page Creator. It was then still not working, that's why an Oops showed up.

Then I decide to give it a try again...

It works !

my page was published at

Page dashboard

published page

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Testing Google Docs and Spreadsheet

Testing google Docs and Spreadsheets to upload the thoughts in my blog
Is it working?
We shall see in a minute

It's another free software from Google

It actually does not attract me that much since all the doc and spreadsheet softwares are already bundled in every PC

Well, it can probably eliminate the piracy problem
in Indonesia since,
you don't have to buy microsoft applications office again to create ur documents and spreadsheets
in your dream

no way..

it still requires internet connections
and pirated applications are e
asier to get than having ourself a steady internet connection in Indonesia :)

Then why do I even bother to test it?
Because the this feature adv appears on my dashboard blog after I published my piece.
It says that we can publish our piece through it.

Then what's the difference with publishing dire
ctly on the blog provider?
I still think it's much easier posting directly from blog dashboard

News on Google Docs and Spreadsheets

Update (after 45 minutes waiting)

(since the picture is not clear, here is the exact words)

There was a problem ( the given blogger account has been migrated to a Goggle account on the Blogger Beta)

Probably that's the same reason why I could not upload from performancing anymore

IT's not Working to upload your piece from Google Docs to BLogspot with Blogger Beta account

The transition to Blogger Beta really destroy all the short cuts in uploading!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Party... Party ! Eh, Plus Buk Ber juga deng

Buka Bersama plus celeberation MA, Sari, CL birthday di Rumah Makan Ikan Mas Cianjur (CL/4Okt, MA-Sari/10Okt). Thanks to DN dan KS yang mau berepot-repot jadi EO (hehehehe, ini sih sebetulnya gara2 dipalak bang Maro Napitupulu, gelar nama belakangnya itu lo yang bikin MA ga jauh2 dari preman palak hehehe).

The fiesta dan bukber started at 5.30. Semuanya dah ngumpul, kecuali Fira yang katanya kejebak macet dan masih menuju tempat pesta dengan dipandu ancer2 WW via phone.

Then opening by MC (DN) yang suaranya (plu
s aksen suroboyoan) agak keredam suara berisik rombongan-rombongan grup lain yang berlokasi di lantai 2 juga.

Yang paling penting, ciihuuuuyyyyyy!
Ada kado buat MA dan CL :) and I've got Shoes (gupta choice, who else :) ) and wallet (tau aje gue lagi pengen ganti dompret, moga2 aje dompret baru ngefek ke isinye, biar tambah tebel bo.. amiiiiiiiin !!!!!!!!!!!). Maap, kado ga sempet difoto buat laporan blog ini. Pas acara tiup lilin pertama, yg ultah disuruh make a wish, walhasil gue langsung teriak (foto bagian paling kanan atas rangkaian montage),

Tolong Kirimkan Pembantu Yang Baik Hati buat Jagain Laras !!!!!!!!!
(hehehehe, dengan sepenuh hati niih mintanya)

Sialnye, MC minta pake speech2 segala neh, tau sendiri gue paling alergi sama speech2an dan segala macem rupa yang berhubungan dengan Public "fucking" Speaking hehehehehe. Iyalah, kasih 2 kalimat aje, sebelum keringet dingin keluar lebih banyak (kebetulan agak kepanasan juga seh, jadinya emang bener2 sukses keringetan ).

Terus acara buka puasa deh, dipimpin doa singkat bueener sama teh Widya (liat gambar yang pake baju and jilbab hijau plus topi pesta anak2... fyi, yang belum tau, centilnya kayak kemasannya, persis uler keket hehehehe).

Tapi.. gaswaaaaaaaaat... waaaak.. makanan kok ga muncul2, sementara gue liat meja seberang milik rombongan lain dah mulai berisi beragam makanan yg bikin mupeng dan tambah bikin laper. Sementara meja kita, cuma harus puas ngadepin teh manis plus kolak gratisan yang emang biasa ada di rumah makan manapun dibulan puasa. Untung ajeh duo EO turun tangan, nongkrongin stasiun makanan di lantai 1, untuk cepet2 nganter makanan ke meja rombongan intermatrix.

Walhasil, setelah menunggu sambil nahan jengkel (ga boleh ngamuk duoooonk, jaga image, lagi ulang tahun neeh), keluar juga tuh makanan2 yang udah diorder 2 hari yang lalu (kebayang ga seh, dah order 2 hari sebelumnye aje masih lama keluarnya, gimane kalau baru order.. waaaaakk), antara lain:

Gurame Bakar
Gurame Goreng
Gurame Asem Manis

Ikan something Bakar (lupa gue naman
ye), kata Maro menu ikan andalan rumah makan ini.
Sayur asem

Kangkung Cah
Tahu Goreng
Ayam Goreng
Sambel (duuh, dikit banget sam
belnya, padahal enak nih sambelnya)

Eh, anak gue, demen banget makan Gurame Gorengnya, menu nasi anget, gurame goreng plus tahu goreng, lahap banget dikunyah neng laras.. sampe terucap... "Ma, aku mau tambah" (hehehe, emaknye banget seh).

Then.. Fira dateng. Bawa Kue Ulang Tahun...........wah tiup lilin lagi deh (thank you mbakyu). Kali ini ane diwakilkan Laras, karena doi dah kebelet pengen tiup lilin. Mungkin buat ajang latihan doi (Laras ultah tanggal 16 dibulan yang sama, tapi dirayainnya nanti tanggal 22).

Senang.. Dapet Kado, Anak Senang.. Pulang Kenyang.
Sampe dirumah teler lagi. Pas Adi pulang, Laras lapor ke bapaknya, kalo dia doyan banget makan pake Gurame.

Pesen ke laras sebelum tidur..

"Mbak, besok bangun pagi2 lagi ya, jangan pake nangis. Soalnya besok mbak Laras ikut mama ke Kantor mama lagi"

hehehehehe, duh, akhirnya badan bisa rebahan juga sambil nemenin neng Laras tidur,
letih lelah lesu lemah.. untung dengan hati senang :)

Happy Birthay to Maro Alnesputra and Dyah Sekarsari
and thanks a lot imxers :)

other story on this occassion: klik Blog Neng Rizka

Monday, October 09, 2006

wonderful weekend

Yes, it's quite wonderful, despite the fact that I don't have housemaid yet to clean up all the house mess and one rejection answer from housemaid candidate towards my proposal.

why was it so wonderful?
  1. Nice family gathering on saturday, got presents from tante Era and tante Ani
  2. Alonso beat up Schumacher (it's 126 against 116 now, and only one race @ interlagos brazil left)
  3. the laundry (a mountain high of it) were all taken care of by ms. Parti (housemaid freelancer) for as cheap as 20thousand rups.
  4. the cooking result was not so bad after all, Gado2 and Tempe goreng are all nicely accepted by Laras and Adi
Thank God :)

my next wish lists
  1. Bless the family with an honest, diligent and caring housemaid (especially for Laras)
  2. Hope upcoming Laras Birthday would be a remarkable event for her

Friday, October 06, 2006

Blog Fever to gave birth Blog Writers

The fever was not due to extremely hot weather @ surrounding Dutamas Fatmawati overlapped with
occasionally cold but mostly warm temperature aircon @ the third floor
it is because of the virus spread around by the bigboss within our office.

It's a blog fever everybody

yes, it is contagious
you cannot escape, at least no escape for everyone located at the 2nd and 3rd floor :)
it is just getting worse by the visit of another fever carrier
everybody just like surrendering theirself and caught in the fever too

it's a good thing though that the disease accentuates the bright side of the infected
it stimulates them to write, it justified the books, someone somewhere once published that "it is easy to write"
once you are fall for it
once you are fond of it
once you are addicted to it

Congratulations Bigboss
to be or not to be a blogger
that's the answer hehhehehe

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Laras goes to work

starting today, Laras will spend her whole day in the office.

It all started out on October 3, 06

my cellphone ring

mom: is Laras with you?
me: of course not, I'm at work, she's at home

mom: Pak Ogi (the driver) says the house is empty, nobody's inside.
I had to leave your present on your neighbour's

me: ????

call to my neighbour
me : sorry to bother you, do you know where laras is?
She: gee, she usually hang out here with her nanny.. okay, will try to look her out

me : thanks a lot !

three minutes later .. an sms on my cell

the neighbour: Laras is left behind at xxx' house (other neighbour), the nanny is going away to PAL.

am reading the sms with a furius mode

then af
ter having approval from my management (thanks Boss !), I went straight to my home, checking out my love one.

Thank God, She's already home,
with that stupid, lazy, feckless housemaid

in a barely neat and dusty house (what the hell is she doing the whole morning???)

how could she done that
you know what is her answer when I asked why she had to leave Laras
"Had to buy myself a new blouse"


My God,
Like I'm the most ruthless person on earth (hehehehe)
rarely I complaint with her very dissatisfactory work
barely I showed my anger, when she used my housephone and causing the bill two times higher than regular use.
Should she asked, i will for sure grant her my permission
of course when I'm already home with my sweetheart

I usually not at home on saturday and sunday afterall, why on earth she doesn't use those sparetimes???

I have lost my patience
she's no longer needed .. It's her choice
I am not sorry at all
when I hear report from the neighbour, that she oftenly leaves my daughter alone.

Gee, two weeks from now, my office will have to face a new kid on the block :)

Thanks friends for all the help and sympathy !

Monday, October 02, 2006

sweet child O'mine

my poor princess
she's been sick since wednesday
now, she's much better
but the flu still linger on .. hopefully it will get better soon

one major progress these past weekdays has been remarkable
She's a grown up now :)
She's no longer pee-peing on her bed at night !
It's been 5 days
what remarkable about it is totally her effort .. no help from the parent.
When I asked what stimulate her from doing this

" I watched this TV sinetron mom. There was this grown up girl who still urinating on her bed at night. And her friends decided to stop the bad habit by putting dragonfly on her belly butoon"

sometimes a pittyful Indonesian TV sinetron could be useful too.

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