Thursday, June 12, 2008

farewell group photo Perspektif Wimar

farewell group photo, originally uploaded by wimar.

counting the days till it finally over

will miss my new routines:
1. collect 5DW material till 9 pm (with bagas also trying to play with my
blackberry, this particular routine really need an exceptional expertise)
2. wake up at 3 am
3. leave from home at 3.45
4. arrive at the studio at 4.30
5. morning chit chat with the team till 5.30
6. standby at the studio 5.45
7. ROLL... Perspektif Wimar 6 AM

Monday, June 09, 2008

update: Yohanes Bagas Putera Widiarso

clap ur hand, originally uploaded by mail2lila.

menjelang 1.5 tahun (kurang 6 hari lagi)

lari-lari mulu kerjaannya
kalau jalan setengah lari, kata bapaknya persis jalannya Mr. Bean.

Sangat suka bercanda
dan kalau diajak main cilup Ba pasti ketawa

Ogah minum dari botol dot
yang otomatis bikin emaknya pusing, karena dia jadi males minum susu.. prefer minum ASI (sementara produksi kian menipis)

Gigi dah numbuh banyak sekali
soal makan ga jadi soal
kalau ada yang makan (terutama kakaknya, mbak Laras), pasti bagas pengen ikutan makan.


gitu omongnya.
Omong-omong soal ngomong...

Emang bener, anak laki-laki lebih susah ngomong dibanding anak perempuan.

Vocab bagas yang baru terdengar jelas adalah sbb:
2. aciih (terima kasih)
3. maem (makan)
4. Ndak ada (setiap kali ditanya, mama mana, papa mana,
jawabnya ya ndak ada)
5. da..da (sambil waving hands)
6. ba.. (kepanjangan dari cilup ba)
7. Akit (sambil ngelus2 pala yg abis kejedot atau lutut yg kesakitan
abis jatuh)

that's it hehehehhee
cuma bakat jadi pelawak kayaknya anak gue
sama kayak kayaknya

HI, aku udah lulus tk looh

HI, aku udah lulus tk looh, originally uploaded by mail2lila.

Suatu hari laras telpon mamanya ke kantor
"Ma, guru ku aneh deh ma"

Aneh gimana?

"Masak katanya Perpisahan TK Tarakanita harus ceria. Kan perpisahan tuh harusnya sedih ya Ma"
(later baru mamanya find out kalu di undangan perpisahan TK, memang temanya Ceria bersama TK Tarakanita)

hehehe, nyokapnya bingung

"Kan pisahnya cuma sebentar Mbak, di SD kan kumpul lagi semuanya"

"Iiiih, ga semuanya lagi Ma"

emang Mbak Laras sedih pisah sama temennya

"Ya sedih duong"

Kok Sedih, kan sering berantem sama temen sekelas.

"Kan sekarang udah baikan Ma'

Dan kemarin...8 Juni 08
dari jam 4 sore sampe jam 8.30 malem..buseet (talk about event time management) hehehe
diadakanlah pesta perpisahan TK Tarakanita II
setelah 1 tahun bermain cerita di TK B2 (yup, laras masuk langsung ke TK B, karena dari segi usia dah cukup).. luluslah anak pertama ku dari Taman Bermainnya.

hiiks.. senangnya
soalnya emaknya dulu ga lulus TK hehehehehehe

Selamat ya Sayang
Semoga tambah rajin di SD
ga banyak ngobrol di kelas
dan batesin nonton TVnya ya

dad and kids beken sejenak

dad and kids, originally uploaded by mail2lila.

keluarga muncul di majalah nih
while emaknya muncul sebagai narasi
hehehehe bagusan gitu sih
emaknya paling males dipoto soalnya

buset, dah lama bgt ya ga posting blog
banyak cerita nih
tapi males nulis.

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Hi Mom.. I can Walk !

firm standing, originally uploaded by mail2lila.

It was just couple of days after his first Birthday
He walks !

Congrats Bagas :)
I am so proud of you

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Asus EEE 4GB

Yang lagi ramai di milis gadget :)

buset.. jadi mupeng

Asus EEE 4GB Rp4.250.000,-

Easy to Learn, Easy to Work, Easy to Play

- 7" compact design and only 0.92kg
- Durable, shock-proof solid-state design
- Rich network and wireless connectivity
- Graphic user interface for simplicity and ease of use
- Over 40 built-in applications for learn, work and play

Share photos of your travels without waiting till you get home. Shop the world wide web without attaching any lines or wires. Learn through the latest technology without a technical manual. Play, relax, and entertain on the go with shock-proof design. Connect with friends and family with just a few clicks.

Mobility & Reliability

• At 7" and weighing only 0.92kg, you can take the Eee PC anywhere.
• Bumps and shocks are no longer issues. With a dependable solid-state disk, you get unparalleled shock-protection and reliability.
• Power-efficient design provides longer operating time when on the go.

Ease & Technology

• With a rapid start-up time, the Eee PC is always ready to get into action.
• No technical manual required with the specially designed, user-friendly and intuitive graphic interface.

Work & Connectivity

• You’re always connected with built-in WiFi 802.11 b/g that automatically detects and connects to the Internet at any hotspot.
• The Eee PC includes the documents and the e-mails software, and a suite of other productivity software to help keep you on track.
• Upload photos and videos and share them instantly on Flickr or YouTube without waiting till you get home.

Media & Entertainment

• Enjoy music and videos with extensive support for a wide range of digital multimedia.
• Log on to Skype or other network, and you can connect with friends anywhere, anytime.
• Clear up wire clutter with the built-in card reader, camera, speakers, and microphone.

Spesifikasi :

Model Name : Eee PC 4G
Display : 7"
Intel CPU & Chipset : ●
Operating System : Linux, Windows XP compatible
Ethernet Communication : ●
WLAN : ●
Memory : 512 MB (DDR2)
S.S.D. Storage (Solid-State Disk) : 4G
Camera : ●
Audio : Hi-Definition audio, Stereo speaker, Microphone
Battery : 4 Cells: 5200 mAh, 3.5hrs*
* Actual battery life will depend on actual operations and other settings.
Weight : 0.92 kg


Sunday, January 06, 2008

Perayaan Natal TK Tarakanita 2

Xmas @ tarq, originally uploaded by mail2lila.

Foto bareng santa, teman2 TK B2 Tarakanita 2 dan Bu Elly plus Bu Yanti Kepsek.

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