Saturday, April 29, 2006

Yahoo Beta VS Gmail

Weekend time, at Rumah Nyokap, Pondok Kelapa
Laras-Siska-Nyokap lagi cekakakan nonton extravaganza
Adi nonton MU VS CHelsea
Eyang Putri lagi Nyulam .. eh join Nyokap dkk.. nonton Extravaganza

GUe ngapain yak ..
dial starone (cepet jg nih pake starone)
buka Enda Blog
dapet deh informasi baru .. hehehe.. senang
  1. Scrapblog : Kayaknya blog girlie banget deh. fokus ke foto2...
  2. Lagi2 duel Yahoo and Gmail :
Yahoo baru ngeluncurin Yahoo Beta
.. lebih canggih dari Yahoo biasa, yang menurut gue
sekarang jauh lebih lelet (apa karena dah terlalu dimanjakan oleh Gmail?). Apalagi, dengan gangguan setiap mau kirim email, user harus verifikasi emailnya dulu utk mencegah email dikategorikan spam oleh calon penerima. buset.. hari gini.. cepetan dikit napa.

Terus ada liat Yahoo Mail Beta review.
Tampilan sih boleh.. mirip Microsoft outlook.
Seperti munculnya Gmail atau Gmail chat, tidak semua pengguna yahoo serentak mendapatkan fitur ini. kalau mau coba, ada step2nya nih (gue sih belum coba, soale dah lihat kesimpulan review di bagian akhir hehehehe)

kalau mau coba2

  • Log in to Yahoo Mail
  • click Options
  • select Account information from the left panel
  • go to Member Information, General Preferences, Preferred Content
    select, for example, Yahoo UK
  • click Finished
  • go to Yahoo Mail
    you’ll see a page that says “It’s the New Yahoo! Mail Beta… and you’re invited.”
  • click on “Try Beta Now”

sebelum coba2.. liat dulu hasil duel Gmail sama Yahoo kali ini dong ...

Overall, the new Yahoo Mail is much better than the last version, you can't see (too many) ads, but doesn't have many features included in GMail (label, fast reply, POP3, forwarding, automatic mail saving, attachment preview), but outperforms GMail with is Outlook-ish design.

Last Yahoo rating: 4/10

Beta Yahoo rating: 7/10

GMail rating: 8/10 :)

Gmail.. Gmail.. kamu juara melulu sih... ? Yahoo kamu kenapa? [Yahoo membolos.. kata bu guru, jangan membolos.. nanti accountnya ga laku :) ]

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Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Kid Politician

Suatu sore di ruang tv (hehehe, kayak banyak ruang aja), satu pertanyaan iseng dilemparkan seorang ibu kepada anaknya

Q: Menurut Laras, siapa yang paling galak, Mama, Papa atau Laras
A: hehehehehe, Laras

Mama+Papa: huahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha, Dasar Politisi

Monday, April 24, 2006

When U're feeling Blue

Pas lagi ga mood banget, browsing from one blog to another.
got interesting URLs from Enda's on Journalists who are also bloggers
interesting insight on one JP reporter over Anita Roddick and The Body Shop hehehehe

Got an interesting url again from Enda [again .. Thanks Mate :)]
Ten Things to Do When You're Blue

  1. Learn Something New ........ No not really my style, i like to browse new pages on the web though
  2. Talk It Out ... I prefer not too. I even not really good on writing it. Mostly because there is not any problem to talk or write about. I just regularly feel downs and not in the mood of anything.
  3. Move [Exercise. Dance. Run. Walk. Get on a train. Go drive somewhere you've never been. Movement is calming, relaxing, inspiring. Rock-a-bye, baby.] ..... Nope, Not my style
  4. Move Forward ... Hahahhahaha, Not really. I tend to look behind, reminiscing .. the good old days.
  5. Play ... Yup.. this will do. play along with my daughter or myself.
  6. Help Someone ... I dont think so.
  7. Open Your Senses .. . Yes, sometimes music could help me. I have to thank my winamp and nokia radio player and my pirated music collection)
  8. Flirt ... hihihihihihihiihihihihi
  9. Create .... i dont even create in my most good mood hahahahahaha. Create trouble you mean hehehehe
  10. Avoid Vexatious People ... I'm afraid, it is I who became the vexatious (Causing irritation or annoyance) person hahahaha

These are what I do occationaly when in blue:

  1. Reading any junk emails
  2. Browsing to Gadgets websites
  3. hunting new collection of pirated dvds
  4. watch movies
  5. eat a lot :)
  6. Sing out loud in the bathroom
  7. Read fictions

speaking of reading a fiction, I just read Rojak by Fira Basuki on my last 'down' time. Very Good fiction, easy to read, highly recommended. I think I will buy another FB fictions.

note: the pic is taken from

Happy Bday Dad

Hi Dad
How are you today?
Hope you are having a great time and fun up there
I give you my warm hello through Him this morning
did you get it? did He say how much I love and miss you?
Happy Birthday Dad

Gee, I hope heaven is a full connected and wired place
So we could chat all day
So I could catch up all things and feelings I missed to share with you
So that you could read my feelings
So you could finally know that behind all my stupid ignorance, I do love and honor you always.

It's a pitty that you haven't got the chance to meet Laras
Yes, she is your granddaughter
You know Dad, In terms of attitude and behaviour, she is more like Us.
She enjoys very much good movies, good meals and good sleeps hahahaha :)
She only know you as Eyang Kakung, although I know she might confuse it with the other Eyang Kakung.

I love you Dad
I really Do.
I thank you for all the love and understanding.
I thank you for being such a great Dad.
Hope you have a wonderful time up there
and hope to see you again someday .. somehow.
Happy Birthday Dad.

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